Join us Thursday Evenings From 6:30 PM-8:30 PM

Fellowship Community Church – North Campus

7640 Alpine Road, Roanoke, VA 24019


What is Celebrate Recovery?

Celebrate Recovery is a Bible-based, Christ-centered recovery program for those who struggle with life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits including addictions, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. It is a safe place, where respect is given to each member, where confidentiality is highly regarded, and where we can shed our masks and be who we are. It is a growing family of fellow strugglers who accept one another where they are, believing God can help us change and grow.

Who is Celebrate Recovery for?

Celebrate Recovery is for anyone struggling with life. If you have ever had a hurt, if you have ever had a hang-up in life, or perhaps you have struggled with an addiction, then this ministry is for you. We all share one thing in common: hurt.  Because all of us go through seasons when we need support, messages of hope, and testimonies of victorious life change, the Celebrate Recovery program is open to everyone.

Our recommendation would be that you attend five or six meetings before you decide if this is for you.

Here is a partial list of hurts, hang-ups, and habits that you might desire freedom from:

Abuse – Physical, Sexual, Emotional
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families
Alcohol Dependency
Chemical Dependency
Controlling Personality

Drug Dependency
Eating Disorders
Food Addictions
Same-Sex Attraction
Loss of Relationship
Nicotine Dependency
Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior

Relationship Addiction
Sexual Addiction

What can I expect at Celebrate Recovery?

6:30–7:30pm—Large Group Meeting

Our Large Group meeting is a time of worship, teaching on the Recovery Principals & 12 Steps or a testimony, and other program related announcements and readings. The lessons will help you understand what the program is and how to work it in your life. We alternate each lesson with a live testimony showing how the program has worked in the lives of those who are fellow strugglers and how they experienced God’s grace and healing in their lives.

7:30–8:00pm—Open Share Groups

Open Share Groups are offered each week following the large group meeting. These gender specific groups are designed to allow you an opportunity to share about your struggles and victories without interruptions or comments from others. Everything shared in the group stays in the group.

8:00-8:30pm—Cross Talk Café

This is a great time to fellowship and network with others in recovery to build your accountability and sponsorship team, while enjoying tasty snacks and coffee.

Newcomers 101: Newcomers 101 is for first time attendees new to Celebrate Recovery. Newcomers 101 explains a little history about how Celebrate Recovery got started, information on resources, and what to expect the next time at open share groups.

Childcare: Childcare is available each night for children birth–12 years old during our large group meeting and open share groups.