At FCC, we believe that the Bible and theology are for everyone. The Institute is intended to be a place of learning and education, with the goal of helping disciples of Jesus develop a foundational knowledge of theology and the Bible that can be applied to everyday life.
January 26 | 6:30 PM-7:45 PM | Worship Center, Salem Campus
Joel Muddamalle, Director of Theology & Research at Proverbs 31 Ministries
Join us for an Institute Forum hosted by Jake Preston on January 26. Our guest speaker is Joel Muddamalle, Director of Theology and Research at Proverbs 31 Ministries. He will lead a discussion on Theology of the Church: What is it? Why is it essential? What part do Christians play in advancing the kingdom?
Forums are one-time gatherings that provide an opportunity for the whole church to be trained in an essential area of discipleship.
Kids Life Classes are available for children birth-5th grade with advanced registration.
For additional information about the Forum, contact: Jake Preston, email.
11 Week Course on Wednesdays, Beginning January 29
6:30 PM-7:45 PM | The Refuge, Salem Campus
An 11 week course, taught by Jake Preston, that covers the basic orthodox beliefs of Christianity. The goal of this class is to equip disciples to understand, explain, and apply the basic confessions of the Christian faith.
This class will use the book entitled You Are a Theologian by Jen Wilkin & J.T. English. The book is available at all major retailers and can be purchased from Amazon here.
Childcare is available for children, ages birth-5th grade, with advanced registration.
Christian Story
An 11-week course that covers the basic storyline of Scripture. The goal of this class is to equip disciples to both comprehend and participate in the true story of the world in richer ways.
Christian Belief
An 11-week course that covers the basic orthodox beliefs of Christianity. The goal of this class is to equip disciples to understand, explain, and apply the basic confessions of the Christian faith.
Christian Formation
An 11-week course that covers the basic practices and habits that form the Christian life. The goal of this class is to equip disciples to understand, value, and implement these practices in their lives as means of practicing the way of Jesus.
For more information, contact Jake Preston.