We are currently accepting nominations for Elders. Members are encouraged to submit the names of men for consideration. Elder must meet the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.

Email names to bconner@fcclife.org no later than Wednesday, September 13.

Biblical Qualifications:  1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9

1 Timothy

  • 3:2 “husband of one wife” (not divorced)

  “self-controlled” (not easily angered)                                   

“hospitable” (uses resources for the Kingdom)

“able to teach” (ability to communicate)                                   

  • 3:3 “not addicted to wine” (willing to practice abstinence for the sake of testimony)

“not a lover of money” (one who tithes)

  • 3:4 “manage his own family well” (modeling Christ in the home)

  • 3:6 “not a new convert” (member of FCC for at least 12 months) 


  • 1:8 “disciplined” (attendance, time with God, sharing their faith) 

  • 1:9 “sound doctrine” (agreement with the BF&M)


Practical Functions:

  • Models to our church and community what it means to follow Christ

  • Assists the ministerial staff in guiding the church forward in vision and policies

  • Assist in the observance of the Lord’s Supper

  • Support those being baptized by attending baptismal services

  • Oversee the process of pastor/staff in annual reviews

  • Monthly meetings from 6:15 – 7:45 AM

  • This is a 4 year commitment



1.   Members pray over names of men to submit

2.   Names submitted to church office by Wednesday, September 13 

3.   Men are interviewed by leadership, given time to pray, and decisions made

4.   Names of men given back to FCC for prayer/ feedback to leadership for 2 weeks

5.   Members vote on elder recommendations at annual Business Meeting