Worship Team Skill Requirements
All Band Members
Must be confident in their instrument and be able to play/sing whatever parts that are given to them.
Must be able to (or willing to learn to) play with a click track (metronome) and hold tempo.
They also must model worship for the congregation by maintaining an attitude of worship while singing/playing with the band.
Their focus is on God, not on performing.
Below are the specific skills needed for each position on the worship band.
Be able to sing on pitch.
Be able to hear and sing a harmony part for a given melody, i.e. should be comfortable learning parts by ear.
Be able to reproduce a harmony part for a given song consistently, i.e. sing the same part for a song each time that song is used.
Be able to control vocal elements such as volume in order to blend with the worship leader and other vocalists.
Be able to engage in the songs and with the congregation with confidence and in an inviting and welcoming way that encourages participation.
Acoutic/Electric Guitarists
Be able to read chord charts.
Have a good knowledge of major and minor chords and basic scales.
Be able to control dynamics while maintaining consistent tempo.
Must own their own guitar and be able to reproduce tones consistent with modern worship music.
Must be comfortable learning parts by ear.
Bass Guitarists
Be able to read chord charts.
Have a knowledge of basic scales.
Should understand basic rhythmic divisions; quarter notes, eighth notes, triplets, etc.
Must be comfortable learning parts by ear.
Must provide their own gear.
Be able to sync with the drummer, and stick with the beat of the kick drum.
Must be able to hold steady time with the click track (metronome).
Be able to play drum parts as heard on the songs being played.
Must be comfortable learning parts by ear.
Be able to control dynamics while maintaining consistent tempo.
Be able to read chord charts.
Should know chord inversions and be able to find different chord voicings.
Must be comfortable learning parts by ear.
Must be comfortable using a multilayered keys rig with different synth sounds for each song. Sounds are made and provided by the church.
(No need for your own gear.)