Dear Church Family,

Two years ago, we began a journey of Daring Faith that allowed us to expand our mission to impact the Roanoke Valley for Jesus. FCC has consistently taken steps of faith throughout its history, for we know “that without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Our goal was to raise a million dollars over two years. We want to celebrate that through your generous sacrifice and faithfulness, God has provided over $1,600,000! Thank you for your contribution towards Kingdom work in the Roanoke Valley. With those funds, we have been able to do the following:

In March 2022, our North Campus moved into its new location on Alpine Road with 12,000 sq. ft. of space to reach people for Jesus in north Roanoke County. Most nights of the week, our facility is being utilized for ministry. We have seen lives changed by Jesus. Randy Barragan states, “Jesus took me from my brokenness and made it a blessing.”

When our Daring Faith campaign started, Julio Peredo was pastoring Church Cristo Rey in Bolivia. In December 2022, Juilo joined the FCC team with the goal of starting FCC Español. It launched on Easter weekend of this year with 63 people in attendance and currently has 14 Spanish-speaking countries represented! FCC Español held its first Next Steps Class, and several were baptized at the river.

Through your generosity, we purchased 3.5 acres in 2019 beside Plastics One and Starkey Park and have paid off the property. Our original plans were impacted by Covid-19 and escalating construction costs. However, now is the time to move forward! In the last year, we’ve seen 35 people come to faith in Jesus and be baptized at our SW Campus. Kinzey Overfelt shares, “I realized that a relationship with Jesus wasn’t my parents’ decision; it was mine. Therefore, I asked my sins to be forgiven and began a personal relationship with Jesus.” With this growth, the church leadership increased to a 14,000 sq. ft. building to accommodate reaching people for Jesus in southwest Roanoke County.

To minimize our long-term debt for building our SW Campus facility and North Campus renovations, we ask those currently committed to Daring Faith to prayerfully consider an extension of one year. For those new to FCC since the start of the Daring Faith Capital Campaign, we ask you to prayerfully consider a one-time and/or monthly commitment above your regular giving for the next 12 months. We have enclosed an update to provide additional information and a commitment card. We ask that you prayerfully consider how God will use you to complete the work that has begun. We will collect these commitment cards on Sunday, October 1, during our worship services. We can’t wait to see God move again through his people.

It is truly amazing to see the lives changed and transformed by Jesus in the last several years. May we continue to trust Him and move forward in Daring Faith!

-Ethan Callison, North Campus Pastor -Ken Nienke, Salem Campus Pastor

-Alan Moore, SW Campus Pastor -Julio Peredo, FCC Español Pastor